Thursday, March 12, 2015


my vlog is right below these words


  1. Honestly one of the funniest things ever. I really felt like I learned a lot about the inspirations but also got to see what you're like when you're at home. My favorite part by far was when you zoomed in on the name and talked about how you sold your Ultimate Team. Great job and good luck with the company!

    1. Yeah, as you can see I'm way quieter and more laid back compared to how talkative and wild I am at school. Good luck with your cake decorating Rocky Bal-Baker!

  2. First of all, (on a more serious note,) your intro was excellent. I loved the time lapse. It was also entertaining yet concerning to see your thought process. I was confused as to why you were on a roller coaster. I was also confused about a few other things. Regardless, this was absolutely hilarious. Good luck on the business and I really look forward to seeing your progress.

    1. Thanks man, I'm glad your concerned about my thought process but have no worries. As dobby the house elf once said "Dobby is free". I will leave you with that and give you some time to contemplate the deeper meaning of it and take it as you will.
      Best wishes, Rich Homie Slan.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think you did pretty well on the time lapse part which was pretty interesting. And I think this was a pretty funny video! It was horrendous and quite atrocious frankly, but it got the point across. The pauses and 2 minute long segments of literally nothing were pointless and frivolous while also being entertaining and comical. You are the Florida of my friends.

    1. I will get back to you once I fully comprehend the analogy where you said I was the Florida of your friends.

  5. Hey Arslan! I really liked the intro. The time lapse was really interesting but I was confused when you started riding a roller coaster. I don't really know why you were, and if you could explain that I would apprieciate it. I can relate to how it feels to lose your madden team as I was hacked before. It really stinks and I wish you the best

    1. Thanks for watching man. I can see you really want to understand why I was riding a roller coasting throughout most of the video, I know you've been waiting for this reply anxiously but regretfully I must tell you that somethings in this world can not be explained.

  6. I love your introduction. The symmetry was almost perfect, which I think is impressive. In IE today I saw the design and I am looking forward to see the final product with the border and everything. The timelapse shows everything in a short amount of time but I know that something like that takes hard work and skill. Also, to give something precious up, like your ultimate team, for your business, takes guts and shows me your passion to do well in Ase Attire. You are like the Jean Valjean of business.

  7. Through the wire is a great song. I'm sad to hear about your Madden team. The intro was cool, the roller coaster did not make sense to me. On a more serious note, this was really funny and creative, and I thought you gave an effective recap of how your project has been going.

    1. I agree that Through the wire is a great songs, it's probably one of my favorite songs. My madden team was a very tough loss, It's not something you just forget. Though they were simply un-real virtual pixelated football players on a screen, they were very real in my heart.

  8. It's pretty awesome how you got so much money for your Madden team - you must worked really hard for that team! Maybe if you sell a lot of T-Shirts you can bring your team back together and reach the big leagues of Madden Ultimate once again. I can tell you have been working hard with Ase Attire, doing things from making designs to consulting other people who have been in the business, and your vlog really showed your passion. I'm looking forward to seeing the final product!

    1. Yeah I put at least a lot of virtual blood, virtual sweat and tears into that team. I think Ase Attire needs to be very successful not only for the betterment of society but also so that my madden team can be reunited. I think the thought of the possible reunion will be the driving force of this brand as opposed to passion for the creation of clothing and expressing myself.
